Hepaxpert App Sold Worldwide

A recent overview shows sales of Medexter’s Hepaxpert app around the globe: from the European Union, Switzerland, USA, Canada, and South America to China. Hepaxpert covers a small but interesting field of laboratory medicine—the automated interpretation of serological test results for detection of hepatitis A, B, and C. Liver inflammation caused by viruses is a persistent problem in many countries and clinically precise interpretations of these test results are prerequisite to therapeutic interventions in patients with acute or chronic viral hepatitis. Hepaxpert’s knowledge base has been developed by clinical hepatologists and health-IT specialists at the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Vienna, together with Medexter. It accommodates every one of the 61,520 possible results of serology testing. At the push of a button, it delivers comprehensive and reliable interpretive texts needing only the serological test results; no additional patient data are required. The clear and easy user interface makes it a powerful tool not only for medical professionals and labs but also for patients, especially for those who are chronically ill. Hepaxpert is available on Apple’s App Store and Goolge’s Play Store. It may also be used for knowledge-as-a-service (KaaS). Inquiries are welcome!

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  • image credit: Image credit: © Medexter Healthcare GmbH

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